10 memorable things about the color brown
🤎 1️⃣ The Color of Stability & Comfort – Brown is often associated with security, reliability, and warmth, making it a grounding and cozy color.
2️⃣ 🤎 Brown is a Mix of Colors – Unlike primary colors, brown is created by mixing red, yellow, and black or complementary colors like blue and orange.
🤎 3️⃣ The Most Common Eye Color – Over half of the world’s population has brown eyes, making it the most common eye color globally! But no two eyes are alike 👁️ Click here to determine what type of brown eyes you may have :)
4️⃣ 🤎 The Earthy Connection – Brown is the color of soil, wood, and some stones, which is why it’s often linked to nature, stability, and resilience.
🤎 5️⃣ It's called Tenné when used in Flags – It might not be super obvious or common, but at least 62 flags have brown used in their design elements.
6️⃣ 🤎 Symbol of Elegance & Luxury– Dark chocolate brown has historically associated with wealth and sophistication, especially in leather goods and fashion.
🤎 7️⃣ The Color of Many Comfort Foods – Brown (but surely not "Mummy Brown," that one pigment made from ground-up Egyptian mummies) is linked to appetizing and comforting foods, like chocolate, coffee, cinnamon, and baked goods.
8️⃣ 🤎 Animal Camouflage – Many animals, from bears to deer and owls, are brown because it helps them blend into their environment for survival.
🤎 9️⃣ One of The Oldest Pigments – Brown ochre, made from natural clay, was one of the first colors used in paintings. Some even date back to 40,000 BC - that's over 42,000 years ago!
🔟 🤎 Brown Has Many Shades & Meanings – From warm caramel to deep espresso, different shades of brown can feel cozy, sophisticated, earthy, vintage, or more.
🤎🤎🤎 Bonus: In color psychology, brown is often linked to dependability, comfort, and wholesomeness, making it a favorite for classic, timeless aesthetics! 🍂✨
In conclusion, we love the color brown here at Deep Autumn, Dark Autumn Department. It's beautiful, varied, and there is so much to know about it.
What is your favorite thing about this wonderful color?
PS: Here is another bonus - an Academic Bonus! Out of 368,183 results, this was the top of the list in JSTOR (for written works) when I searched "the color brown" tonight:
Castillo, Lenora. “This Color Brown.” Voces: A Journal of Chicana/Latina Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 1997, pp. 28–28. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23013211. Accessed 21 Jan. 2025.